The USD Sanford School of Medicine invites you to the Alumni Reunion on Friday, May 5, 2023 in Sioux Falls. This year’s reunion honors the milestone classes of 1973 (50 years), 1998 (25 years), and 2013 (10 years) as well as celebrates all classes on a 5-year cycle (ending in 3 and 8).
Activities on Friday will include presentations from current faculty and medical students, an update from our dean, Dr. Tim Ridgway ’84 MD, tours of the Wegner Library and Parry Clinical Skills and Simulation Center as well as an alumni luncheon and evening event with dinner and awards. With enough interest, we will also provide you with an opportunity to travel to Vermillion, visit campus and tour the Lee Medical Building on Saturday, May 6.
The deadline to register is April 21, 2023.
Questions can be directed to Nicole Plesec in the Medical School Alumni Office at Nicole.Plesec@usd.edu.