First Nighters
The First Nighters Steering Committee and the Department of Theatre invite you to join First Nighters for the 2023-2024 theatre season. By doing so, you join a select group of theatre patrons who attend the theatre regularly, enjoy the camaraderie that comes from participating in opening night festivities that includes a social gathering with hors d’oeuvres with fellow First Nighters, and who seek to make a USD education more affordable for a number of deserving students each year. The latter is accomplished through your contributions to the First Nighter Endowed Scholarship, an act of generosity that aids the Theatre Department in fulfilling its vision, “to excel as the premiere professional theatre training program built upon a liberal arts foundation.”
We are once again providing the public with diverse and dynamic offerings: As You Like It by William Shakespeare, a beautiful play that shows how love, friendship, and forgiveness brings people together; Ride the Cyclone by Jacob Richmond and Brooke Maxwell, a rollercoaster of a musical that examines a life well lived; and Bat Boy: The Musical by Keythe Farley, Brian Flemming, and Laurence O’Keefe, a fantastical comedy/horror rock musical about a half boy/half bat creature that is discovered near Hope Falls, WV! And in addition to departmental productions, we are proud to host the nationally acclaimed Spiderwoman Theater and their touring show, Misdemeanor Dream. A celebration of Indigenous storytelling, bringing together a multigenerational ensemble of performers, installation artists and knowledge keepers from Native and First Nations communities across the U.S. and Canada.
First Nighters Dates:
As You Like It: September 28, 2023
Ride the Cyclone: November 17, 2023
Bat Boy: The Musical: April 18, 2024
Because of the nature of the residency, we will not be holding a social for Misdemeanor Dream.
To complete your membership, please fill out the form below. If you would prefer to pay by other means, please contact the USD Foundation directly at usdfound@usdfoundation.org, or (605) 677-6703. We also hope you will consider being a host for one of the delightful opening night socials.
We hope to see you at the theatre!
Membership Information
Membership at the Silver level ($200) or above entitles you to 2 tickets to each Knutson Theatre production, 2 invitations to each cocktail buffet and acknowledgment in the Knutson Theatre production programs. Bronze ($100-$199) memberships receive 1 ticket and 1 invitation. $45 from Bronze, or $90 starting from Silver membership is the value of preferred seating tickets which supports theatre operations. The balance of your contribution provides First Nighters Endowed Scholarships for theatre students.
Please consider the amount of support you would like to provide for scholarships when choosing your level of membership. The form below provides options to purchase a membership at the lowest value. There is an Additional Donation field if you would like to contribute an additional amount. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Ruby: $1,800 (and above)
Diamond: $1,000 – $1,799
Platinum: $600 – $999
Gold: $400 – $599
Silver: $200 – $399
Bronze: $100 – $199
Your Membership, less the value of the tickets, is tax deductible.