Invest in Our Future

Your gift empowers students past, present and future.

Invest in the Future of USD

Our mission is to provide private resources for the University of South Dakota to increase the excellence of its students’ educational experience. Since 1922, the USD Foundation has raised funds for the development of the state’s flagship university. Beginning with the turn of the 21st century, donors have funded more than $250,000,000 in campus improvements and millions more for scholarships to help attract outstanding students, faculty support and operating needs.

85% of Students need financial aid at public universities.

A key component of re-envisioning our scholarship strategy is to not only meet the needs of students, but also strengthen USD’s ability to recruit students and grow enrollment. Higher education is a competitive market; we must continue to pursue campus enhancements, show our value and instill a sense of pride and loyalty among students and alumni.

Support students through a one-time gift or choose a recurring gift to make a long-term investment with the form below.