Trustee Nomination

2024 Trustee Nominations

Each year, the University of South Dakota Foundation calls upon its trustees to offer nominations of individuals who embody the spirit of philanthropy and love for USD central to trusteeship.

If you know someone who demonstrates these qualities and might enrich the blend of experiences, worldviews and expertise within the Foundation’s trustee ranks, please submit a trustee nomination form no later than 5:00 p.m. CT on Friday, July 26. More information about the duties and expectations of trustees can be found here. The complete and current Trustee Roster can be viewed here.

In this spring season of renewal, you are also encouraged to reflect upon your own trusteeship, whether refining your philanthropic vision in support of USD or considering service to the foundation board’s various committees. We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your ongoing leadership and support.


*Nominators and nominees are encouraged to collaborate on the answers below.

Please include street address, city, state and zip code.
Please include institution(s) attended and graduation year(s).